
Advanced BioStructural Correction Practitioner
2016 ABC Leucadia, CA
-Assess the body where the "break down" side
-Check the meninges and skeletal system based on the "break down" side
-Based on the "break down" assessment a correction will be done
-With better alignment, allowing the internal organs not be compressed due to misalignment causing many symptoms
-Joint range of motion improves
-Lung capacity improves
-When the body is upright, the spine is in its neutral state, the body functions more effectively

Holistic Lifestyle Coach
March 2006 C.H.E.K. Institute, Vista, CA
-Assessment protocol system (7 forms) that will help identify problem issues
-Practical techniques for attaining optimal health from the inside out
-Increase vitality, decrease stress levels and sculpt the body
-Nutritional difference between commercially and organically grown foods
-Identify the most important roadblocks to success and the order in which they must be addressed
-Sleep, stress, nutrition, digestion and exercise are all inter-related and where to find solutions to resolve issues 

Advanced Metabolic Typing Advisor
February 2006 MTEC, La Jolla, CA
-Customize nutrition based on your unique dietary needs
-Improve your physical energy and mental clarity
-Loose weight naturally and maintenance of your ideal weight
-Overcome mood swings and depression
-Enhance athletic performance
-Strengthen immune system  

Level II C.H.E.K. Practitioner
May 2005 C.H.E.K. Institute, Vista, CA
-Practical  application of the Triad of Health (Physical-Mental-Chemical)
-Posture analysis
-Gait analysis
-Primal pattern movement analysis
-Length/tension testing reviewed and expanded
-Range of motion assessment
-Stretching techniques for improving muscle balance
-Practical application of above assessment skills
-Application of principles taught in Advanced Program Design and Equal , But Not The Same! 

Level I C.H.E.K. Practitioner
January 2002 C.H.E.K. Institute, Encinitas, CA
-Scientific Core Conditioning
-Scientific Back Conditioning
-Dynamic Medicine Ball Training
-Swiss Ball Training
-Program Design
-Testing of practical competence
-Review all red flags and types of disc derangement
-Motor, sensory and myotomal testing
-Postural and length-tension assessment
-Learn exercise modifications for orthopedic pathology
-Review science of manipulating acute exercise variables
-Case histories and program design including Phase I through III exercises
-Individual presentation on a selected orthopedic topic
-Practical application of above assessment skills 

Golf Biomechanics Practitioner
January 2001 C.H.E.K. Institute, Encinitas, CA
-The C.H.E.K.  system for developing golf performance
-Biomechanical requirements of the golf swing
-Biomechanical relationships to common swing faults
-Golf swing analysis
-A scientific approach to stretching the golfer
-Developmental stretching
-Maintenance stretching
-Muscle length-tension assessment for the golfer
-The importance and application of poor training for golf
-Power training exercise instruction
-Periodization of stability, strength and power training for golfers 

Level 1 Reiki Practitioner, 2004
YMCA Strength Trainer, 1997
YMCA Group Fitness, 1997
AAFA Personal Trainer, 1996
CPR, 2013